0124 Morne Island|北境之地,极限至爱

发布日期:2024-11-21 17:39    点击次数:161

0124 Morne Island|北境之地,极限至爱

温雅「岛鸣海外 - GLOBAL DOMAIN」


淌若你渴慕领有一座已开采且妥当垂纶的私东说念主小岛,那么本期保举的Morne Island无疑是理思之选。

If you’re looking to own a developed private island perfect for fishing, then Morne Island is undoubtedly the ideal choice.

Morne Island位于好意思国阿拉斯加州锡特卡近邻,距离市区仅需15分钟的船程。便利的交通为岛屿生存和城市资源的无缝对接提供了保险。

Located near Sitka, Alaska, Morne Island is only a 15-minute boat ride from the city, offering the perfect blend of secluded island living and convenient access to urban resources.


This 4.35-acre island boasts sweeping ocean views, ideal for observing whales, seabirds, and the rich wildlife native to Southeast Alaska. The fresh air and expansive waters make it a haven for fishing, boating, paddleboarding, and other outdoor activities, while the surrounding natural beauty offers diverse adventures for nature enthusiasts.


The island’s facilities are comprehensive and thoughtfully designed. A spacious main house includes an independent kitchen, laundry room, and ample storage spaces. The main house also features a large outdoor entertainment area, ideal for family gatherings or group events. Situated behind the main house for privacy, the residential area includes a master suite and kitchen. Upstairs, a separate apartment provides comfortable accommodations for staff or guests.


In addition to the main residence, Morne Island offers seven guest accommodations, including four two-bedroom, two-bathroom suites, two studio cottages, and a four-bedroom staff lodge. Each room is equipped with a viewing deck, providing an ideal spot to enjoy the stunning seascapes and observe local wildlife. The modern caretaker’s residence features stainless steel kitchen appliances, vaulted ceilings, and custom bathrooms, with a loft that serves as an additional guest room. Wooden boardwalks connect the various structures across the island, creating a scenic coastal pathway that ensures easy access between buildings.

Morne Island次第完善,统共房屋均已联接市电,管说念系统完备,包括传统水龙头和抽水马桶等次第。水源由雨水网罗罐、过滤系统和开水箱提供。岛上配套次第还包括冰屋、水塔、花坛及器具棚、船只维修店、鱼加工和建造商店。岛上还配有两个可靠岸大型游艇的70英尺船埠,其中一个船埠设有100 AMP电源,餍足游艇靠岸需求。

Morne Island is well-equipped with essential utilities. All buildings are connected to the city’s electrical grid, and the plumbing system is complete with traditional faucets and flush toilets. Water is sourced from rain collection tanks, a filtration system, and hot water tanks. Additional island facilities include an icehouse, water tower, garden, tool shed, boat repair shop, fish processing station, and equipment store. The island also features two 70-foot docks that can accommodate large yachts, with one dock equipped with 100 AMP power to meet yacht berthing needs.

无论你梦思建造独到的垂纶基地、静谧的岛屿度假民宿,还是郊外探险小屋,Morne Island皆提供了无穷可能。该岛是遥远产权私东说念主岛屿,现在售价为350万好意思金。如有酷爱,迎接私信商讨(微信号:GD-Karen)。

Whether you envision establishing a unique fishing retreat, a tranquil island resort, or an outdoor adventure lodge, Morne Island offers boundless potential. This freehold private island is currently listed for $3.5 million. If interested, please feel free to inquire for more details (WeChat: GD-Karen).


Thank you for your time. Until next time!



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Global Domain 「岛鸣海外」是私东说念主岛屿生存景况的见解者,发奋于于提供群众畛域内简直灵验的私东说念主岛屿销售信息及配套做事。在后疫情和地缘政事冲破风险加大的新时期配景下,为高净值东说念主群对资金安全和东说念主身安全的双重需求提议鼎新性的科罚决议。

